The Mad Breath and Breadth of Nick Cave

The Claw of the Conciliator has been blogging about Nick Cave and his Bible readin’ here, here and here. Punk Rock, Black Coats and The Bible. Good Stuff. Thank you mighty Claw.

Two reasons to read that good old book, according to Nick Cave:

1. You like Blood and Gore

“I had a burgeoning interest in violent literature, coupled with an unnamed sense of the divinity in things and, in my early twenties, the Old Testament spoke to that part of me that railed and hissed and spat at the world. I believed in God, but I also believed that God was malign and if the Old Testament was testament to anything, it was testament to that. Evil seemed to live close to the surface of existence within it, you could smell its mad breath, see the yellow smoke curl from its many pages, hear the blood-curdling moans of despair. It was a wonderful, terrible book, and it was sacred scripture.”

2. You grow up and stop being so dumb

“But you grow up. You do. You mellow out. Buds of compassion push through the cracks in the black and bitter soil. Your rage ceases to need a name. You no longer find comfort watching a whacked-out God tormenting a wretched humanity as you learn to forgive yourself and the world.

Mark’s Gospel is a clatter of bones, so raw, nervy and lean on information that the narrative aches with the melancholy of absence. Scenes of deep tragedy are treated with such a matter of factness and raw economy they become almost palpable in their unprotected sorrowfulness.

The Gospel According to Mark has continued to inform my life as the root source of my spirituality, my religiousness. The Christ that the Church offers us, the bloodless, placid ‘Saviour’ – the man smiling benignly at a group of children or serenely hanging from the cross – denies Christ His potent, creative sorrow or His boiling anger that confronts us so forcibly in Mark. Thus the Church denies Christ His humanity, offering up a figure that we can perhaps ‘praise’ but never relate to. The essential humanness of Mark’s Christ provides us with a blueprint for our own lives so that we have something we can aspire to rather than revere, that can lift us free of the mundanity of our existences rather than affirming the notion that we are lowly and unworthy.”

Did you have ears to hear that Oxford University Press? Marcan Primacy! Source Theory! Pffsshh! That’s how you introduce The Gospel According to St. Mark.

All via Elliot, of course.

2 responses to “The Mad Breath and Breadth of Nick Cave”

  1. Too bad there aren’t any comments on this blog. It’s a pretty good. Wished I could write like you. Makarios

  2. Hey, thanks Makarios. I hope you’re referring to my writing and not my quotations. But I’ll accept your compliment – even if it has to be on behalf of Nick Cave.

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